Friday, January 1, 2010

About the site

The site is not a movie review site. There's a million of those out there. It's a recommendation site. What it offers is a place for people to go to where they are presented with a collection of films, especially older ones, that I personally feel should not be missed.

Sites like Rotten Tomatoes and imdb are too big in nature and to find a good movie to watch (especially non-new releases) can be quite difficult. Their ratings are based on thousands of people with different views on any particular movie so it's hard to determine exactly what a 72% rating really means. I've used those sites before and I notice that the process can be quite a chore, particularly when you have no specific movie in mind. Furthermore, the more reviews you read the more it takes away from the main factor that makes watching movies enjoyable in the first place, and that is mystery and intrigue.

I made the site to make it easier for those who would rather have someone suggest a good movie instead of having to hunt one out. The write ups are meant to be short and sometimes vague in order to not spoil the experience for the viewer. Pick any movie on the site and you can't go wrong. You will not find any average or mediocre films on here. If the movie isn't good, then it'll have to be great.

So welcome to my movie recommendation site and I hope you enjoy it and find it as useful as it was intended to be.

- Markenstein
January 1, 2010


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